Thursday, May 28, 2009

The rain here has been almost constant and very depressing! I'm all right everyone and thanks for your concern.

I watched some toads off my front porch and one hopped all over for food and the other just sat really still 'til a bug came by. It made me wonder which was the most effective method for hunting and how to write a program to prove it. You may know that this is my first original idea in years and I've been mulling it around in my decrepit old brain for quite a while. It's been a long time since I've written a Java Applet but I'm the king of GW-BASIC and I have that brand new Microsoft BASIC that I haven't done anything with. Humm!

I'm really tiring of all the ultra right wing klansmen down at the Senior Center. The phrase they use the most now when talking about Obama is, "Bullet in the Head". And every time someone sneezes all the Born Againers think it's the end of the world. With most I know just what they're going to say before they say it. A few "Mad Cow" people say exactly the same thing every time you see them. I really need some new friends.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I picked up a few new books at the library sale, including:

Introduction to BASIC Programming by Shelly and Cashman and

The BASIC Handbook by David A. Lien

Ah yes! Obscure computer languages! My choice for recreational reading! The second one is set up under all the commands. That should come in nice if you already know the commands, just not what they do! That doesn't make sense does it?

My ancient computer refused to keep running AVG antivirus so I tried to download AVIRA. On my third try I got a good download but it too said I had to update my Windows version ( WindowsME ).

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----
Would you please listen to the Republicans?

First, Cheney, Rumsfield and Rice are saying there was no torture. But that's a lie and everyone knows it so......

They are saying that it is a lie BUT Palosi knew it was a lie and knew they were torturing people so she is guilty too! But most folks know that is a lie too and Palosi didn't know. Sooo.....

OK the first two thingies are lies, but the Democrats should have known that the first two were lies and should have stopped the Republicans somehow!

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Friday, May 15, 2009

And poor Michael Savage! He's trying to start a worldwide protest without much success. People just don't seem to care much ( myself included ).

And here at home the grass keeps growing and it needs cutting constantly. It looks like I'll get a few guavas since I put a bucket over the plants when it frosted this winter. A rabbit has shown up and in the early mornings he tries to beat me to the ripe blackberries and nibbles on the dew covered grass. The goldfish in my rain barrel are doing fine. They seem to be eating the love bugs that fall in there. The persimmons are in full bloom and maybe I'll get a few this year.

Obama is going to stop the publication of the latest torture pictures from all the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfield/Rice torture chambers worldwide. Maybe the ACLU can get them published somewhere.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Monday, May 11, 2009

Poor Rush! I'm going to take up a collection for him! Why is everyone picking on poor Rush?

I'm really surprised that some half witted Limbaugh listener hasn't done something horrible already. He would think that he'd be an American hero like John Wilkes Booth.

My AVG anti-virus that I've recommended for so long has finally discontinued it's free program and I refuse to pay for anti-virus. I guess I'll just limp along until I find another one.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Friday, May 8, 2009

A guy at Wal*Mart has one of these motorized bicycles. The web site talks about a new 4-stroke 50cc that should be about the max for something like that.

South Carolina as giving one laptop to every school child!

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Believe it or not there are some people who are actually finding their way here to this site. And it's so easy to post a blog here.

James Carvel is pushing his new book about how the Democrats will rule for the next 40 years. Wouldn't that be nice. Obama does seem to be doing all the right things doesn't he? When you look that far ahead you have to think about who will run things after Obama and Joe Biden doesn't appear to be able to keep his mouth shut. So who will it be? It's funny to listen to all the different arguments about the different Republicans who might be able to do something. People don't appear to know what Mormons believe, and when they find out, I think that decision will be over. And Palin has a lot of the same problems. Does she speak in tongues? Handle snakes? Think the earth will end next week? Think the earth is flat??

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The mystery of the Angel recorders has been solved. As you all have memorized, I used to play Yamaha recorders until I moved to Florida and found all these Angel recorders here. Well it seems that the local middle school chorus teacher had this brilliant idea that in the middle of a song, all the little children would pull out recorders and play the rest of the song. The last two days I've found two more of them and the children's mothers told me the same story. The Angel's are superior I think and at two dollars each at garage sales, how can I go wrong? Just soak them in bleach for a while and they're as good as new!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

All in all a fine day! I found my favorite recorder, an Angel, for sale at a garage sale for two dollars, I became able to hear out of my ear again and a beautiful possum got trapped in my trash can and I got to watch him for a while. I got the courage to stop playing with the drunk guitar player. Nothing ever comes of a relationship with a drunk. I soaked the recorder in bleach and gave it to the little Chinese girl at Chopsticks Restaurant but her dad said she couldn't have it and I have four now! I think I'll glue two together and do that bagpipe thing I want to try.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Friday, May 1, 2009

1 May 09

The Oath Keepers and what they are all about.

I've tried to recreate KindlyRat on BlogSpot and it looks good and the links work but I haven't figured how to load all my download files to there. Stuff like all my best writing and my GW-BASIC and Sail Boat Rigs. Most of you guys go there and ignore my left wing stuff here.

I heard all of OBama's speach and really liked the part about Winston Churchhill's speach. While bombs were dropping on London he said that he wouldn't torture German prisoners because, "that's not who we are".

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----