Monday, June 29, 2009

The hero of this blog Robert Crumb has made progress on his latest masterpiece, Genesis. There are several things to watch for, the story is in French, and it contains very provocative Robert Crumb drawings of large round posterior ladies that all resemble Janis Joplin!

There was a bad storm that came through today, but yesterday the pelicans flight up and down the beach was interrupted by a large school of bait fish schooling just off the beach. About half the pelicans stopped for a few attempts at diving for them.

Bravo to the judge that gave Madoff 150 years!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Let's hear more about the pelicans! Well the wind yesterday was so light that they couldn't do the trick where they stay in the condo updraft. A few tried it and appeared to be working hard flapping their wings. Most stayed a few inches off the water about a hundred yards off the bench. That close to the water there's a cushion of air that is easy t0 glide on. I learned all that during my hang gliding phase.

There's a new fad here where you paddle a large surfboard with a long paddle standing up. I watched a bunch do it and they don't appear to have a j-stroke like they use on canoes. They paddle on one side and then they switch and paddle on the other side. I was thinking about a paddling rig like they use on Venetian gondolas! They don't ever switch sides at all and move along pretty well.

I suppose I should say something about Michael Jackson. He was a great entertainer it must be said. I liked his music and his dancing. Wow! wasn't that great?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

So the spring is over and I'm spending a lot of time knapping in front of the air conditioner. Sorry, Al Gore. I do try to go down to the Gulf and watch the sun set. That's the least I can do. The pellicans have a game of seeing how far they can glide without flapping their wings. Last night the wind was from the south east and they did pretty well using the updrafts from all the condos.

The June grass, a lettuce like seaweed is heavy this year. The method used to fish in it is to hook the fish and they wade out to where the fish is and then try to pick him straight up. With any other method your line breaks from all the seaweed. After the June grass comes the red tide that stinks and smells so bad it makes your eyes water. Ah! the delights of living by the Gulf.

Monday, June 15, 2009

English Sparrows have also filled some ecological niche here at the beach. Near sundown every day they comb the dunes looking for what must be sea oat seeds. The oats are there and so are the birds, so what else? The sparrows once specialized in this country on digging thru horse manure. With the advent of the automobile, the sparrow population crashed except for those that could find other niches to fill. Here the sparrows are experimenting in nesting in the dried up old fronds of palm trees.They also nest in the "o's" of raised letter signs along the highway and on the sides of buildings.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Friday, June 12, 2009

Around seven I head down to the beach to watch the sun go down. Retirement is so grand! Yesterday there was a group of crows ( gang of crows? ) down at the beach just enjoying being crows. There was a strong updraft there as the breeze came up from the South and up the beach. The crows were folding their wings back and doing strange dives and other decents thru the rising winds. Some were shaking the wind of their wings as they sank and just before hitting the beach they would unfold their wings and glide back up and joyfully start all over again.

At LongBeach there were a group of guys with radio control gliders playing with the updrafts and the beach was actually long but with no swimmers because of the tiny drops of oil that came drifting to the beach from the oil derricks. They could keep those gliders up for hours just running those boys up and down the beach.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Here's a scary story in the New York Times about the decline of blog's and bloggers. Kind of sad. But hey! We had a good time of it didn't we?! No book deal offers here, but I did get an offer to buy the blog by a guy that built birdhouses and liked how my page was listed on Google. I offered to link to his birdhouse building page but got no reply.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The blueberries are in full fruit now and they sure are good, even though there aren't nearly as many as last year. All those storms this spring knocked off all the blossoms and the oranges went the same way as well.

As you remember, I was concerned that kids today don't know the words to songs the way my wife and I did. Sitting at a coffee shop a few hours ago about twenty country songs played on the juke box and every waitress in the place mouthed the words to every song complete. So things haven't changed all that much. I just must remember that I am in the true South now and people aren't exactly the same.

Just think! In just a very few years my hateful generation will be dead and gone with all their hatred of Blacks, Orientals, Hispanics, Jews, Catholics, Liberals, Gays, and all religions but their own. Just think of the huge weight that will be lifted off the shoulders of the world. My generation will be one that the world should be overjoyed to be rid of!

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Monday, June 1, 2009

The guy that killed the abortionist in his own church must think that he's a national hero now. ABC news played a portion of Bill O'Reilly's hate radio broadcast calling the abortionist a murderer among us. I like free speech, but I'm sure there are laws against incitement to murder.

Yes it's the first of June and yes my famous blueberries are just getting ripe. I do have to beat the birds out there in the morning and yes my berries are a little sour, but they beat the heck out of NO blueberries.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The rain here has been almost constant and very depressing! I'm all right everyone and thanks for your concern.

I watched some toads off my front porch and one hopped all over for food and the other just sat really still 'til a bug came by. It made me wonder which was the most effective method for hunting and how to write a program to prove it. You may know that this is my first original idea in years and I've been mulling it around in my decrepit old brain for quite a while. It's been a long time since I've written a Java Applet but I'm the king of GW-BASIC and I have that brand new Microsoft BASIC that I haven't done anything with. Humm!

I'm really tiring of all the ultra right wing klansmen down at the Senior Center. The phrase they use the most now when talking about Obama is, "Bullet in the Head". And every time someone sneezes all the Born Againers think it's the end of the world. With most I know just what they're going to say before they say it. A few "Mad Cow" people say exactly the same thing every time you see them. I really need some new friends.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I picked up a few new books at the library sale, including:

Introduction to BASIC Programming by Shelly and Cashman and

The BASIC Handbook by David A. Lien

Ah yes! Obscure computer languages! My choice for recreational reading! The second one is set up under all the commands. That should come in nice if you already know the commands, just not what they do! That doesn't make sense does it?

My ancient computer refused to keep running AVG antivirus so I tried to download AVIRA. On my third try I got a good download but it too said I had to update my Windows version ( WindowsME ).

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----
Would you please listen to the Republicans?

First, Cheney, Rumsfield and Rice are saying there was no torture. But that's a lie and everyone knows it so......

They are saying that it is a lie BUT Palosi knew it was a lie and knew they were torturing people so she is guilty too! But most folks know that is a lie too and Palosi didn't know. Sooo.....

OK the first two thingies are lies, but the Democrats should have known that the first two were lies and should have stopped the Republicans somehow!

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Friday, May 15, 2009

And poor Michael Savage! He's trying to start a worldwide protest without much success. People just don't seem to care much ( myself included ).

And here at home the grass keeps growing and it needs cutting constantly. It looks like I'll get a few guavas since I put a bucket over the plants when it frosted this winter. A rabbit has shown up and in the early mornings he tries to beat me to the ripe blackberries and nibbles on the dew covered grass. The goldfish in my rain barrel are doing fine. They seem to be eating the love bugs that fall in there. The persimmons are in full bloom and maybe I'll get a few this year.

Obama is going to stop the publication of the latest torture pictures from all the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfield/Rice torture chambers worldwide. Maybe the ACLU can get them published somewhere.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Monday, May 11, 2009

Poor Rush! I'm going to take up a collection for him! Why is everyone picking on poor Rush?

I'm really surprised that some half witted Limbaugh listener hasn't done something horrible already. He would think that he'd be an American hero like John Wilkes Booth.

My AVG anti-virus that I've recommended for so long has finally discontinued it's free program and I refuse to pay for anti-virus. I guess I'll just limp along until I find another one.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Friday, May 8, 2009

A guy at Wal*Mart has one of these motorized bicycles. The web site talks about a new 4-stroke 50cc that should be about the max for something like that.

South Carolina as giving one laptop to every school child!

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Believe it or not there are some people who are actually finding their way here to this site. And it's so easy to post a blog here.

James Carvel is pushing his new book about how the Democrats will rule for the next 40 years. Wouldn't that be nice. Obama does seem to be doing all the right things doesn't he? When you look that far ahead you have to think about who will run things after Obama and Joe Biden doesn't appear to be able to keep his mouth shut. So who will it be? It's funny to listen to all the different arguments about the different Republicans who might be able to do something. People don't appear to know what Mormons believe, and when they find out, I think that decision will be over. And Palin has a lot of the same problems. Does she speak in tongues? Handle snakes? Think the earth will end next week? Think the earth is flat??

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The mystery of the Angel recorders has been solved. As you all have memorized, I used to play Yamaha recorders until I moved to Florida and found all these Angel recorders here. Well it seems that the local middle school chorus teacher had this brilliant idea that in the middle of a song, all the little children would pull out recorders and play the rest of the song. The last two days I've found two more of them and the children's mothers told me the same story. The Angel's are superior I think and at two dollars each at garage sales, how can I go wrong? Just soak them in bleach for a while and they're as good as new!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

All in all a fine day! I found my favorite recorder, an Angel, for sale at a garage sale for two dollars, I became able to hear out of my ear again and a beautiful possum got trapped in my trash can and I got to watch him for a while. I got the courage to stop playing with the drunk guitar player. Nothing ever comes of a relationship with a drunk. I soaked the recorder in bleach and gave it to the little Chinese girl at Chopsticks Restaurant but her dad said she couldn't have it and I have four now! I think I'll glue two together and do that bagpipe thing I want to try.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Friday, May 1, 2009

1 May 09

The Oath Keepers and what they are all about.

I've tried to recreate KindlyRat on BlogSpot and it looks good and the links work but I haven't figured how to load all my download files to there. Stuff like all my best writing and my GW-BASIC and Sail Boat Rigs. Most of you guys go there and ignore my left wing stuff here.

I heard all of OBama's speach and really liked the part about Winston Churchhill's speach. While bombs were dropping on London he said that he wouldn't torture German prisoners because, "that's not who we are".

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

Friday, April 24, 2009

23 Apr 09

What's the worst possible thing that could happen to this blog? Hows about GeoCities closing down? Well it's true. I saw the notice yesterday. If I figure out how to transfer KindlyRat to another blog site, What happens to the 750 Google references to this site? What happens to all those GW-BASIC people and the SailRigs people? What happens to my world-wide fame and all my groupies?? What happens to my spot in WikiPedia? What happens to my immortality?

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

22 Apr 09

Recipe Puppy searches for a recipe using the ingredients you have.

Microsoft Visual Basic, C#, C++ Express! These are abbreviated and free versions of their full blown versions. I think you have to have dotNet to run them. DotNet is also free bye the way.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

19 Apr 09

My first dictionary.

Tea Party Signs.

Python invasion of Florida.

My heart broken again! A report from Cuba on NPR says that there are no cheap rents in Cuba. He says the cheapest you can do is renting a room in someone's home and going from there. He says other that beans and rice there is very little to eat even in the restaurants. There is a daughter of Cuban refuges that I was hoping would take me to Cuba with her on a now-legal visit.

Here's an exciting story about changing BASIC to Java.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

17 Apr 09

That pitiful Tea Party that the Republicans put on is being spun by the talk show bigots as a "Huge Sucess!". They are saying that CNN and the other major news organization are in a conspiracy to downplay the Tea Party.

Here's some more about JavaScript's new version. This story makes no sense at all to me.

Yet again I find myself in some mental traps and must dig out my copy of How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne the libertarian. Yes I am a bleeding heart liberal, but even I must find escapes for my sanity. Harry Browne sets my head on straight most the time.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----

15 Apr 09

Lego Jesus!

I've finally figured out how to keep from being the "computer guy" that everyone goes to for everything. First say something like that you won't do it for them but you'll "teach them" how to do it. Then tell them to learn to use their mouse and set them up to play Microsoft solitaire. When they get pretty good at that, tell them the "Quick Brown Fox" message and have them work on typing that for a few weeks. Nobody has ever learned the "Fox" message and soon finds another "computer guy". Most people that haven't learned computers yet just want you to be their secretary. They just want to jerk you around. They feel that they are "above" learning menial task like that. They see themselves as "Big Picture" people.

-- Osama bin Laden -- 250 Guantanamo Bay Cuba POW's --
--Half the world tries to survive on two dollars a day--
----24,000 people will starve to death today----